How does a driver get 10 or more driving suspensions?
How does a driver get 10 or more driving suspensions? My assistant asked me that question today. It’s a good question.
Most drivers will never get 10 traffic violation suspensions. They get one, or a few, and they either pay the tickets off, or they hire a lawyer to fight them, and then they are very careful to not let that happen to them again. How does a driver get 10 or more driving suspensions? Are they so rich that they just don’t care about the ticket? Then why don’t they take care of their tickets?
The answer is simple, they never pay their traffic tickets. They think it is an inconvenience to get the ticket, the cops holds them up for a while and yells at them, but then they drive on, and say “are you kidding me not answer calls on my cell phone”?
The suspensions usually take a number of months to go into effect, longer if the can motorist push off the Court appearances. Some motorists can keep the suspensions at bay for well over a year.
By the time the motorist is arrested it is possible that the driver will have the magic number of 10 suspensions, pushing this scoff law crime over the edge of a Misdemeanor, into a Felony.
Then the suspensions kick in. At first it’s only a few, and even if they are stopped for driving with a suspension many police officers are kind and don’t arrest the driver for the Misdemeanor of driving on a suspended license. By the time the motorist is arrested it is possible that the driver will have the magic number of 10 suspensions, pushing this scoff law crime over the edge of a Misdemeanor, into a Felony.
The driver just sits on the other end of the line and says so? I have tickets, I didn’t pay them. I am still driving. Whats the matter?