Advances in modern technology aim to put an end to DWI
In the not-so-distant future, drivers in New York will have cars that are capable of more automation than ever before. While many of these advances aim to make roads safer, they may also have the added result of drastically cutting down on incidences of driving while intoxicated. People could enjoy an evening out in New York, have a few drinks and then get into their cars secure in the knowledge that their car will get them safely home without their having to operate the vehicle.
While fully autonomous cars are not yet widely available, many cars are increasingly coming equipped with features that aid in safety. According to Digital Trends, one such feature currently in development is the Driver Alcohol Detection System for Safety.
The DADSS works similarly to an ignition interlock device. Cars equipped with it would have a sensor the driver would touch and his or her blood alcohol content would be calculated. If the driver’s BAC exceeds the legal limit, the car will not start. Cars with DADSS would also be equipped with a breathalyzer that would prevent the car from starting if a high BAC was detected.
Another innovation being developed by a company in New Mexico is a skin patch called ONUSBlue, reports WHEC. A person puts on the patch and it detects how much alcohol is in his or her system through their sweat. If a person imbibes more than the legal limit, the patch would turn a certain color that indicated he or she was no longer safe to operate a vehicle.